Does Your Child Have ADHD?

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Have you been thinking for a long time that your child might have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Maybe he or she finds it very hard to concentrate, and maybe you feel like your child is constantly in motion. Then perhaps you got a call from your child’s home room teacher verifying what you already knew was probably true. The teacher might have told you that your child simply can’t stay on-task.…

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How To Deal With Losing Your Job

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Most people rely on their job for the money they need to survive. Steady employment provides stability and the ability to plan for the future. When you lose your job unexpectedly, you may face feelings of loss and dread. You may be worried about how you’ll pay for your rent and afford food. While job loss is never easy, here are four steps you can take to cope with the sudden change:…

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The Open Adoption: Tips For Birth Parents Post-Adoption

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Years ago, adoption almost always meant sending your baby off, never to be seen or heard from again. This sort of closed adoption is becoming less common, with most birth parents (and adoptive parents) now opting for some degree of open adoption, in which the birth parents continue to have some direct or indirect contact with the child over the years. This type of adoption is generally easier on birth parents in an emotional sense, but it can still bring up challenging feelings.…

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Managing Medication-Related Weight Gain With Bipolar Disorder

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Three classes of medication are often used to treat bipolar disorder: antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics. Everyone is different in the way they respond to each medication, but a common problem with medications used to treat bipolar disorder is weight gain. Fortunately, lifestyle changes and changes in treatment can offset or minimize weight gain for some people. Start Simple Each psychiatrist will have their preferred approach to managing bipolar disorder, based on your symptoms and which medications they typically use as first-line agents.…

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