Need Help With The Change of Going to College? Issues That Can Cause College-Related Anxiety

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If your first year of college is plagued with anxiety, you’re not alone. Many young adults experience anxiety when they go away to college. Studies show that about 44 percent of college students experience depression and anxiety. If you’re like a lot of new students, you might think it’s time to go back home. But, it’s not. It’s time to seek counseling. You might not realize it, but counseling can help you overcome the anxiety that’s affecting your life.…

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What Are The Symptoms Of ADHD In Adults?

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For many adults, the symptoms of ADHD can be incredibly confusing. While the symptoms of ADHD are often associated with children, this is a very real condition among adults as well. Are you uncertain about the symptoms of ADHD in adults? Do you think you might benefit from counseling for adults with ADHD? These are some of the symptoms associated with adults who have ADHD. Impulsivity One of the most noticeable symptoms of ADHD in adults is impulsivity.…

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Why Your Child Will Benefit From A Depression Treatment Program For Kids

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When you have a child who suffers from depression of any kind, you know that your child is suffering and may feel very alone. It can be hard to stand by and watch a child struggle, but it can also be hard to know what to do to help them in the first place. Your young one can benefit from a depression treatment program for kids, which will give them the resources they need to understand their condition and learn how to cope with their symptoms and more.…

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Contingency Management For Substance Abuse & Pregnant Women

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Substance use disorder (SUD) is extremely common and there are many people looking for useful tools that will help them feel their best. Resources, like treatment, are available to provide guidance for those looking to make a significant change, especially for reasons like pregnancy.  Are you ready to see real change in your life? Contingency management may be the best way for you to manage SUD. Here’s what you need to know about your treatment options during pregnancy.…

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5 Signs You May Need Mental Health Services

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Many people know that they should go to the doctor when they are experiencing frequent migraines or abdominal pain. However, not as many people recognize when they may need to see a mental health professional. Your mental well-being is important and should not ever be ignored. Here are several signs you may need mental health services. Major Changes in Sleep It is not unusual for people to experience sleep disturbances from time to time, especially if they have started a new job or moved to a new city.…

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What Is ADHD Brain Fog And How Can You Get Help?

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ADHD is a fairly common condition that many people are diagnosed with early in life. However, others will only find out that they have ADHD in their adult lives and will learn that it’s had a hand in their difficulties with focusing. If you’ve recently been diagnosed with ADHD or think that you may have it, you may be wondering if you can get help from treatment. Here’s what you should know about ADHD’s impact on focus and how you can get help.…

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